Monday, September 29, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Well I haven't had the time to create a post in a while (school is such a nuisance, I don't care if it's educational right now) but now I've put my use of a meaningless and useless study hall to good use.
Lately, as in this past weekend the entire duration of my week thus far, my obsession and passion for Star Wars has once again bounced back at full throttle. Pinning, painting, drawing, and watching all the movies have filled my time and now I have two new ideas:

  1. Create a carbonite imprint of myself
  2. Create a...wait for it...LIGHTSABER!!!
Yes, I know. Very nerdy of me. Well that's the point of this blog, right? To get to the point, I found instructions to create both a proper and highly believable carbonite creation and also step-by-step instructions on how to build and actual glowing lightsaber. But, while on my search earlier today, I found this wicked awesome news report of a guy who actually created a powerful enough laser to burn paper and other small and easily flammable items. Figured you'd all like that (except for the select Trekkies....). The video is linked here, hopefully you will find it interesting enough to watch the actual video (which I also linked below). 

May the Force be with You.

Friday, August 29, 2014


So this week in geekery, we’ll talk about anime. Why? Because it’s as amazing as it is awesome.
First the definition of anime: Anime is a term for Japanese animation.
Topics are generally important within anime, or topics are briefly touched by interactions and conversations made by characters in the show. Children shows aren’t as picky in revealing things that need discussed and are normally used for entertainment (they can’t handle the things we older people can). There are many different genres incorporated in different anime. Those included most often are as follows: comedy, action, romance, and drama. There was another listed, but I’d rather not touch that, as I myself strictly stick to action/romance.
Japanese culture is incorporated greatly in Japanese anime. Houses and even transportation is different than what we see daily here in the United States. I think it’s nice to see different things and have my eyes opened to ways that differ than what I am used to.
Now I don’t know what the difference in preference is, but there are two different ways to watch Japanese anime here: either English subbed or dubbed. I prefer dubbed anime, that way I can actually watch what is actually happening instead of focusing on words.
That’s all I have for now. If you are interested in some more information click here.

Have a great Labor Day weekend (and stay safe!).

I will leave you with this!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

'Ship' and 'OTP'

So, most geeks, nerds, or whichever term you use to refer yourself as, the phrases 'shipping' and 'OTP' are used in our daily language. Most often we see these terms used for the Harry Potter fandom and even the Doctor Who fandom (which I have yet to become a part of, sorry to disappoint). As a manga and anime lover, I personally see these terms are countless social media that I am a part of. I have always used 'shipping' myself for many years, but the term 'OTP' was just introduced to me within the last six months. Confused, and in a sort of dazed confusion, I Google-d the meaning of this widely used phrase. So, I thought maybe I could help out anyone new to the fandom worlds by laying out the meanings of these two terms.
First on the list: Ship.
  • a desire for two people within a fandom to be in a romantic relationship (often fictional characters)
  • a general term used by fans in a specific fandom
  • ONE rule - if one or more fans ship a pair it is therefore a rightful ship
  • also - a cannon is when a ship turns into an actual relationship
(All information on the term ship found here)
Second on the list: OTP.
  • similar to the term ship
  • stands for - One True Pairing
  • is often the result of the favorite combination of characters from a fandom
(All information on the phrase OTP found here)
Personally, I ship many characters together including:
   Natsu+Lucy (Fairy Tail)
   Erza+Jellal (Fairy Tail)
   Juvia+Gray (Fairy Tail)
   Gajeel+Levy (Fairy Tail)
   Makisa+Eren (Attack on Titan)
   Armin+Mikasa (Attack on Titan)
   Hikaru+Haruhi (OHSHC)
   Haruhi+Tamaki (OHSHC)
   Eclipse+Raenef (Demon Diary)
   Ichigo+Rukia (Bleach)
and many, and I mean MANY, more. Those are all just from manga/anime. But, over all, I have to say that my OTP has to be Natsu and Lucy from Fairy Tail (they're from the show that theme song is from...I linked it yesterday).
I'd love some feedback of who your OTP is and who all you ship! I don't mind a list at all! I am making a list personally of anime to watch and more manga to read, so if you have anything to recommend, leave a comment. If you have Google Playstore, I recommend downloading the app called Manga Rock, it's amazing!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

First Day

So first post on this blog; pretty exciting!
I don't really have any clue whether this will be successful or not, but at least allowing my inner geek to pour out every once in a while will be nice. My only goals are as follows: make at least one post per week, discuss topics other geeks can relate and/or comment on, and, finally, allow myself to not hide who I am.
Since I did this randomly, I don't exactly have anything to discuss per say...
Any comments are welcome, please just leave the hate behind and focus on positivity :) I'll post about anime, manga (a new reading habit of mine), new or upcoming movies, and any other ideas I think of or stumble upon. For today, I'll leave you all with a link to the most amazing show theme song in existence (and hopefully you will Google its owner or already know of it)!!!