Thursday, September 18, 2014


Well I haven't had the time to create a post in a while (school is such a nuisance, I don't care if it's educational right now) but now I've put my use of a meaningless and useless study hall to good use.
Lately, as in this past weekend the entire duration of my week thus far, my obsession and passion for Star Wars has once again bounced back at full throttle. Pinning, painting, drawing, and watching all the movies have filled my time and now I have two new ideas:

  1. Create a carbonite imprint of myself
  2. Create a...wait for it...LIGHTSABER!!!
Yes, I know. Very nerdy of me. Well that's the point of this blog, right? To get to the point, I found instructions to create both a proper and highly believable carbonite creation and also step-by-step instructions on how to build and actual glowing lightsaber. But, while on my search earlier today, I found this wicked awesome news report of a guy who actually created a powerful enough laser to burn paper and other small and easily flammable items. Figured you'd all like that (except for the select Trekkies....). The video is linked here, hopefully you will find it interesting enough to watch the actual video (which I also linked below). 

May the Force be with You.

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