Sunday, August 17, 2014

First Day

So first post on this blog; pretty exciting!
I don't really have any clue whether this will be successful or not, but at least allowing my inner geek to pour out every once in a while will be nice. My only goals are as follows: make at least one post per week, discuss topics other geeks can relate and/or comment on, and, finally, allow myself to not hide who I am.
Since I did this randomly, I don't exactly have anything to discuss per say...
Any comments are welcome, please just leave the hate behind and focus on positivity :) I'll post about anime, manga (a new reading habit of mine), new or upcoming movies, and any other ideas I think of or stumble upon. For today, I'll leave you all with a link to the most amazing show theme song in existence (and hopefully you will Google its owner or already know of it)!!!

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